United Way Day of Caring team
Do you want another opportunity to give back to our community? Want to do this as part of our Alumni Chapter? Here is your chance…
Please consider volunteering for the United Way Day of Caring.
This year we will be working at the “Camp Evans” area of Chenango Valley State Park, cleaning up buildings and doing some landscaping. Our group will be volunteering with other group from the community from 9:00am – noon and lunch will be provided afterwards. United Way Day of Caring shirts will be provided for this event.
The Day of Caring was conceived as a remembrance to those who lost their lives during the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 and to honor the many heroes that evolved from the aftermath of that day. It has continued through the spirit of local volunteers and has grown into an annual tradition. Each year, nearly 1,000 volunteers come together to lend a hand to local non-profits, child care centers, parks and government agencies.
For more information please visit the link above. To sign up please visit our Facebook page or email our chapter.